AWS vs. Google Cloud vs. DigitalOcean vs. Cloudways

November 15, 2021

AWS vs. Google Cloud vs. DigitalOcean vs. Cloudways

Cloud migration is a crucial aspect of modern business, and choosing the right provider can be challenging. Many companies have migrated their services to the cloud, and the number of cloud service providers has grown exponentially. This post will provide a factual comparison of AWS, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, and Cloudways.


Provider Features
AWS 175 fully-featured services, global infrastructure, pay-as-you-go pricing model, security and compliance features
Google Cloud Over 90 services, Google's global infrastructure, flexible pricing options, security and compliance features
DigitalOcean Easy-to-use control panel, fast and reliable SSD storage, predictable flat pricing, and API for seamless integration
Cloudways Managed cloud hosting platform, choice of five cloud providers, flexible pricing options, and integrated CDN


When it comes to performance, all four providers offer high-speed networks, low latency, and 99.99% uptime guarantees. According to Speedtest by Ookla, Google Cloud had the fastest network in Q2 2021, followed by AWS, DigitalOcean, and Cloudways.


Cost is also a significant factor in choosing a cloud service provider. All providers offer a pay-as-you-go model, and prices can vary depending on usage and location.

According to Cloud Spectator, DigitalOcean had the lowest hourly rate (on average) for virtual machines in Q2 2021. However, AWS and Google Cloud offer substantial discounts for reserved instances and long-term commitments.

Cloudways offers flexible pricing models, including pay-as-you-go and managed services, and the choice of 5 cloud providers, including AWS, DigitalOcean, and Google Cloud.

Ease of Use

AWS and Google Cloud offer comprehensive documentation and support resources, making it easy for users to get started quickly. DigitalOcean's simple control panel and user-friendly interface make it straightforward to launch servers or create backups. Cloudways offers a managed cloud hosting platform that eliminates the complexities of managing servers.


All four cloud service providers offer competitive features and performance, making them suitable for different use cases. When choosing a provider, it's crucial to consider your specific needs, such as pricing, features, and ease of use.


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